Hadron DaVinci

Verify If A Sudoku Board Is Correct

30 Jan 2021 - Hadron DaVinci



Given a 9x9 array, verify it meets the criteria of a Sudoku board.

A Sudoku board is valid when three criterion are met:



A = [
     [8, 5, 3,  2, 9, 1,  7, 4, 6],     
     [9, 2, 7,  5, 6, 4,  1, 3, 8],     
     [1, 6, 4,  8, 7, 3,  5, 9, 2],    
     [2, 3, 9,  7, 5, 6,  8, 1, 4],    
     [6, 4, 5,  1, 8, 9,  2, 7, 3],    
     [7, 8, 1,  3, 4, 2,  6, 5, 9],    
     [3, 1, 8,  9, 2, 7,  4, 6, 5],    
     [5, 9, 6,  4, 1, 8,  3, 2, 7],    
     [4, 7, 2,  6, 3, 5,  9, 8, 1],         

is_valid_sudoku(A) = True


  1. Iterate through row
    • verify numbers in row are valid
  2. Iterate through column
    • verify numbers in column are valid
  3. Iterate through 3x3 chunks
    • verify numbers in chunk are valid


Given NxN matrix



from typing import Generator

def row_iterator(arr: list) -> Generator:
    Yields each row as a list
    for row in arr:
        yield row

def column_iterator(arr: list) -> Generator:
    Yields each column as a list
    for column in zip(*arr):
        yield column

def grid_iterator(arr: list, width=3, height=3) -> Generator:
    Yields each grid as a list
    column_count = len(arr[0])
    row_count = len(arr)
    for j in range(0, column_count, height):
        for i in range(0, row_count, width):
            grid = []
            for sub_j in range(j, j + height):
                grid.extend(arr[sub_j][i: i + width])
            yield grid

def chunk_is_valid(chunk) -> bool:
    Verifies each chunk has 9 unique numbers
    :param chunk: a group of numbers
    return len(set(chunk)) == 9

def sudoku_is_valid(arr: list):
    # verify rows are valid
    for row in row_iterator(arr):
        if not chunk_is_valid(row):
            return False
    # verify columns are valid
    for column in column_iterator(arr):
        if not chunk_is_valid(column):
            return False
    # verify 3x3 grids are valid
    for grid in grid_iterator(arr):
        if not chunk_is_valid(grid):
            return False
    return True

# Try Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    A = [
        [8, 5, 3,  2, 9, 1,  7, 4, 6],
        [9, 2, 7,  5, 6, 4,  1, 3, 8],
        [1, 6, 4,  8, 7, 3,  5, 9, 2],
        [2, 3, 9,  7, 5, 6,  8, 1, 4],
        [6, 4, 5,  1, 8, 9,  2, 7, 3],
        [7, 8, 1,  3, 4, 2,  6, 5, 9],
        [3, 1, 8,  9, 2, 7,  4, 6, 5],
        [5, 9, 6,  4, 1, 8,  3, 2, 7],
        [4, 7, 2,  6, 3, 5,  9, 8, 1],
    if sudoku_is_valid(A):
        print('Sudoku Is Valid')
        print('Sudoku Is Not Valid')

