21 Nov 2020 - Hadron DaVinci
Find the sum of all the numbers represented by a binary tree given that each node represents a digit in numbers formed by paths from root to leaf.
Binary tree data as text: 6 3 2 ~ ~ 5 7 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ ~
Use the preorder input to create binary tree and while creating tree, track the history of digits.
When at a leaf node, convert number history to a number and add it to a running total.
TC: O(n)
SC: O(n)
- Define Binary Tree Node
class BinaryTreeNode: def __init__(self, digit: int, left=None, right=None): self.data = digit self.left = left self.right = right
- Define Binary Tree Node
class BinaryTree: def __init__(self, node_list: list, null_char: str = "~") -> None: self.null_node_char = null_char self.node_list = node_list self.index = 0 self.total_sum = 0 self.root = self.insert_next_node()
- Define Method That Builds Tree
Code recursively builds tree and returns the root node.
It can return the root node b/c the first element represents the root node.
What’s important here is that the code appends the current digit to the number history
and passes the number history information to the children.For each node in node list, code does the following:
- extracts data from the node list
- creates new BinaryTreeNode
- does this only if the extracted data is not the Null character, ‘~’
- increments build index
- that way, when the insert_next_node method is called again, it will
try to insert the next node in node list- immediately inserts the left node (And All Its Children)
- inserts the right node (And All Its Children)
- if this node doesn’t have any children, then convert the number history
at that node to an Integer and add result to the running total.
def insert_next_node(self, number_history: str = '') -> Union[BinaryTreeNode, None]: data = self.node_list[self.index] temp_node = None if data != self.null_node_char: number_history += data temp_node = BinaryTreeNode(data) self.index += 1
if temp_node: temp_node.left = self.insert_next_node(number_history) temp_node.right = self.insert_next_node(number_history)
if self.node_is_leaf(temp_node): self.total_sum += int(number_history) return temp_node
- Define Method to Determine Leaf Nodes
A node is a leaf if it:
- has no left and right children
- is not None
- note, this is b/c in this paradigm we created,
the None object is not considered a valid node
@staticmethod def node_is_leaf(node: BinaryTreeNode) -> bool: if node is None: return False return (node.left is None) and (node.right is None)
Try Code:
if __name__ == "__main__": binary_tree_preorder_data = "6 3 2 ~ ~ 5 7 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ ~" binary_tree_preorder_data = binary_tree_in_order_data.split(' ') bt = BinaryTree(binary_tree_preorder_data) print("The sum of all root-to-leaf numbers is:", bt.total_sum)