Hadron DaVinci

Sum of Numbers in Binary Tree Paths

21 Nov 2020 - Hadron DaVinci

Find the sum of all the numbers represented by a binary tree given that each node represents a digit in numbers formed by paths from root to leaf.


Find the sum of all the numbers represented by a binary tree given that each node represents a digit in numbers formed by paths from root to leaf.


Binary tree data as text: 6 3 2 ~ ~ 5 7 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ ~


  1. Each node is a digit -Therefore it will be between [0, 9]
  2. The digit at leaf node always represents a decimal place value of 1
  3. The digit at root node has a decimal place value that increases the longer the root-to-leaf path is


Use the preorder input to create binary tree and while creating tree, track the history of digits.
When at a leaf node, convert number history to a number and add it to a running total.

TC: O(n)
SC: O(n)


class BinaryTreeNode:
    def __init__(self, digit: int, left=None, right=None):
        self.data = digit
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
class BinaryTree:
    def __init__(self, node_list: list, null_char: str = "~") -> None:
        self.null_node_char = null_char
        self.node_list = node_list
        self.index = 0
        self.total_sum = 0
        self.root = self.insert_next_node()

  • extracts data from the node list
  • creates new BinaryTreeNode
    • does this only if the extracted data is not the Null character, ‘~’
  • increments build index
    • that way, when the insert_next_node method is called again, it will
      try to insert the next node in node list
  • immediately inserts the left node (And All Its Children)
  • inserts the right node (And All Its Children)
  • if this node doesn’t have any children, then convert the number history
    at that node to an Integer and add result to the running total.
    def insert_next_node(self, number_history: str = '') -> Union[BinaryTreeNode, None]:
        data = self.node_list[self.index]
        temp_node = None
        if data != self.null_node_char:
            number_history += data
            temp_node = BinaryTreeNode(data)
        self.index += 1
        if temp_node:
            temp_node.left = self.insert_next_node(number_history)
            temp_node.right = self.insert_next_node(number_history)
        if self.node_is_leaf(temp_node):
            self.total_sum += int(number_history)
        return temp_node

    def node_is_leaf(node: BinaryTreeNode) -> bool:
        if node is None:
            return False
        return (node.left is None) and (node.right is None)

Try Code:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    binary_tree_preorder_data = "6 3 2 ~ ~ 5 7 ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ ~"
    binary_tree_preorder_data = binary_tree_in_order_data.split(' ')
    bt = BinaryTree(binary_tree_preorder_data)
    print("The sum of all root-to-leaf numbers is:", bt.total_sum)

