Hadron DaVinci

Build Binary Tree from Postorder

07 Nov 2020 - Hadron DaVinci

Build a binary tree from a list that represents the postordering of nodes. Where ~ represents a null node. Then print the preorder, inorder, and postorder of tree nodes as a list.


Build a binary tree from a list that represents the postordering of nodes. Where ~ represents a null node. Then print the preorder, inorder, and postorder of tree nodes as a list.


Given, node list as postorder: ['~', '~', 2, '~', '~', 7, '~', '~', 4, 5, 3, '~', '~', '~', 4, 5, 6]


  1. Since this is a postorder, nodes are arranged in this fashion: (node.left, node.right, node)
  2. Since this is a postorder, the last node in given input is the root node
  3. It is advantageous to parse this input from right to left instead of left to right b/c:
    • the first node we would encounter is the root node which means that we could
      reuse code we wrote for parsing a preordered node list.
  4. Parsing from right to left is the same as reversing input and parsing left to right


    TC: O(n)
    SC: O(n)

    This method is exactly the same as building a binary tree with a preorder except:

    • The node_list input is reversed, so the first node accessed is still the root node.
    • Since the node_list was reversed, the code passes by
      (and assigns) the right node before the left node.

Note: it is possible to parse the input without reversing the node_list but that makes the code more complex
and increases spatial complexity since it has to hold on to intermediate nodes before assigning them to parents.


class BinaryTreeNode:
    def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None):
        self.data = data
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

class BinaryTree:
    def __init__(self, node_list: list, null_char="~"):
        Since root node is at the end of the input node_list,
        The list is reversed so this code still starts at the root node
        :param node_list: input of node information
        :param null_char: represents end of path
        self.null_char = null_char
        self.node_list = node_list[::-1]
        self.build_index = 0
        self.root = self.insert_next_node()

  • extracts data from the node list
  • creates new BinaryTreeNode
    • does this only if the extracted data is not the Null character, ‘~’
  • increments build index
    • that way, when the insert_next_node method is called again, it will
      try to insert the next node in node list
  • immediately inserts the left node (And All Its Children)
  • inserts the right node (And All Its Children)
    def insert_next_node(self):
        Builds tree with postorder input by appending the next node.
        Since the input was reversed, code passes by right node before left node.
        :return: temp_node
        temp_node = None
        data = self.node_list[self.build_index]
        if data != self.null_char:
            temp_node = BinaryTreeNode(data=data)
        self.build_index += 1
        if temp_node:
            temp_node.right = self.insert_next_node()
            temp_node.left = self.insert_next_node()
        return temp_node 

    def get_ordering(self, node, order_type):
        Walks binary entire binary tree in a particular order.
        Generates nodes along the way.
        :param node: node to start walking
        :param order_type: type of order used
        if node is None:
            yield None
        if order_type == "pre": yield node
        yield from self.get_ordering(node.left, order_type)
        if order_type == "in": yield node
        yield from self.get_ordering(node.right, order_type)
        if order_type == "post": yield node

Try Code:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    postorder_node_data = ['~', '~', 2, '~', '~', 7, '~', '~', 4, 5, 3, '~', '~', '~', 4, 5, 6]
    bt = BinaryTree(postorder_node_data)
    print('The Preordering of tree is:', bt.create_node_list('pre'))
    print('The Inordering of tree is:', bt.create_node_list('in'))
    print('The Postordering of tree is:', bt.create_node_list('post'))

