Hadron DaVinci

Calculate the Absolute Difference of Diagonal Sums

26 Sep 2020 - Hadron DaVinci


Given a square matrix, calculate the absolute difference between the sums of its diagonals.


For example, given the square matrix A is shown below, the first line is n, the number of rows and columns.
All rows below n represent the actual numbers in the square matrix.

A = """3
1 2 3
4 5 6
9 8 9

In this example:

The left diagonal = 1+5+9=15 
The right to left diagonal = 3+5+9 
Their absolute difference is |15-17|=2



- the matrix is expressed as a list of row_lists, 
- where i is the column position of an element,
- and j is the row position of an element,
- n is the max rows or columns

Then the following is True:

1. when i==j, that number is on the left diagonal
2. when i==(n-1) - j, that number is on the right diagonal


Time Complexity: O(N)
Spatial Complexity: 1

    define variables that represent the sum of the left and right diagonals and initialize them as 0

    loop through each number.

    while looping,
        if number is on the left diagonal, then add it to the left diagonal sum.
        if number is on the right diagonal, then add it to the right diagonal sum.


A = """3
1 2 3
4 5 6
9 8 9

def on_left_diagonal(i, j):
  return i == j

def on_right_diagonal(i, j, n):
  return i == (n-1) - j

def extract_data(_str_input):
  lines = _str_input.split("\n")
  n = int(lines[0])  # get n
  matrix_data = lines[1:]  # skip the first line
  return n, matrix_data

def find_absolute_difference_of_diagonals(_str_input):
  n, matrix_data = extract_data(_str_input)

  left_diagonal_count = 0
  right_diagonal_count = 0

  for j, line in enumerate(matrix_data):
    numbers_str = line.split(" ") # 1 2 3 #4 5 6 #9 8 9 #\n

    for i, number_str in enumerate(numbers_str):
      if number_str == "": continue
      number = int(number_str)

      if on_left_diagonal(i, j):
        left_diagonal_count += number

      if on_right_diagonal(i, j, n):
        right_diagonal_count += number

  absolute_difference = abs(left_diagonal_count - right_diagonal_count)
  return absolute_difference

result = find_absolute_difference_of_diagonals(A)
print('Answer is:', result)


Answer is: 2